Dans la course aux accréditations menée par les différentes écoles de commerce françaises, les trois labels les plus recherchés sont:EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System), AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) et AMBA (Association of MBAs).
Quels sont les critères utilisés par ces institutions pour délivrer leurs accréditations ? Nous ne pouvons les détailler en détail ici, mais vous trouverez sur ces pages l'esprit et l'objectif de chaque accréditation.
The European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) is an international system of quality assessment and accreditation. The fundamental objective is to raise the standard of management education. EQUIS facilitates standard setting, benchmarking, mutual learning, and the dissemination across borders of good practice.
Plus d'informations sur le site EFMD
Liste des écoles françaises accréditées EQUIS
AACSB International accreditation represents the highest standard of achievement for business schools, worldwide. Institutions that earn accreditation confirm their commitment to quality and continuous improvement through a rigorous and comprehensive peer review. AACSB International accreditation is the hallmark of excellence in management education.
AACSB International accreditation assures stakeholders that business schools:
- Manage resources to achieve a vibrant and relevant mission.
- Advance business and management knowledge through faculty scholarship.
- Provide high-caliber teaching of quality and current curricula.
- Cultivate meaningful interaction between students and a qualified faculty.
- Produce graduates who have achieved specified learning goals.
Plus d'informations sur le site AACSB
Liste des écoles françaises accréditées AACSB
Since its inception in 1967, the Association's objectives have been:
- To promote Masters level business education to institutions, prospective students and employers and to increase the supply of and demand for MBA programmes
- To ensure that the quality of Masters level business education produces professional business leaders
An accreditation process for the MBA was established to secure these objectives.
Our accreditation is independent, market-driven and international in focus. We assess the characteristics of an institution and its programmes against a set of criteria established by our International Accreditation Advisory Board (IAAB). The senior academics and corporate representatives who sit on the board constantly monitor the accreditation criteria to reflect changes in business and management.
Plus d'informations sur le site AMBA
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