Le Financial Times dévoile ce jour son classement des “Business Schools” 2010 en Europe. Les écoles de commerce françaises font encore bonne figure dans ce “classement des classements” du Financial Times.
HEC est une nouvelle fois 1ère de ce classement, qui reprend les différents classements du Financial Times:
– Master in Management
Top 10 classement FT 2010
1 HEC Paris
2 London Business School
3 Insead
5 IE Business School
6 Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
7 ESCP Europe
8 Esade Business School
9 Iese Business School
10 EM Lyon Business School
Les écoles espagnoles et françaises sont les plus représentées au tableau d’honneur; en effet, 4 écoles françaises sont présentes dans le top 10: outre HEC (numéro 1), l’Insead, (numéro 3), l’ESCP Europe, (7 e), et EM Lyon, à la 10 e place.
Ecoles françaises dans le classement Financial Times
1 HEC Paris
10 EM Lyon Business School
25 Edhec Business School
27 Grenoble Graduate School of Business
43 ESC Toulouse
44 Audencia Nantes
48 Reims Management School
49 Rouen Business School
54 Skema
56 Bem Bordeaux Management School
62 IAE Aix-en-Provence Graduate School of Management
62 ICN Business School
67 ESC Clermont
70 ESC Tours-Poitiers (ESCEM)
39 Euromed Management
3 Insead
14 Essec Business School
7 ESCP EuropeFeatured business school
18 écoles sur 75, soit 24% des établissements classés
Classement complet en PDF: ft-business-schools-ranking-europe-2010
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Critères d’analyse Classement Financial Times Busines School Europe 2010
Financial Times European Business Schools ranking 2010
European Rank 2010 The position of European schools within the FT MBA 2009
Salary today ($) The average MBA salary three years after graduation in US
dollars. The figure is a weighted average of the final salaries from the current and
two previous years.
Salary increase (%) The percentage increase in average salary from the
beginning of the MBA to three years after graduation. The figure is a weighted
average of increases from the current and two previous years.
European Rank 2010 The position of European schools within the FT EMBA
2009 ranking.
Salary today ($) The average EMBA salary three years after graduation in US
dollars. The figure is a weighted average of the final salaries from the current and
two previous years.
Salary increase (%) The percentage increase in average salary from the
beginning of the EMBA to three years after graduation. The figure is a weighted
average of increases from the current and two previous years.
Masters in Management:
European Rank 2010 The position of European schools within the FT Masters in
Management 2009 ranking.
Salary today ($) An average of salaries, three years after graduation, reported
by Masters in Management alumni.
European Rank Open programmes – Executive Education 2010. The position of
European schools within the FT Executive Education ranking of open
programmes in 2010.
European Rank Custom programmes – Executive Education 2010. The
position of European schools within the FT Executive Education ranking of
customised programmes in 2010.
Female faculty (%) Percentage of faculty who are women.
International faculty (%) Percentage of faculty whose citizenship differs from
their country of employment.
Faculty with doctorates (%) Percentage of faculty with a doctoral degree.
Source: http://rankings.ft.com/businessschoolrankings/european-business-school-rankings-2010
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