Le FT (Financial Times) a dévoilé ce jour son classement 2006 des Business Schools européennes.
Ce classement a été établi à partir des données suivantes:
- Full time global MBA 2006 The ranking of European schools within the Financial Times MBA 2006.
- MBA salary today ($) The average salary three years after graduation in US dollars. The figure is an average of the final salaries from MBA 2006, MBA 2005 and MBA 2004.
- MBA salary increase (%) The percentage increase in average salary from the beginning of the MBA to three years after graduation. The figure is a weighted average of the MBA 2006, MBA 2005 and MBA 2004 increases.
- Executive MBA 2006 The ranking of European schools within Financial Times EMBA 2006.
- EMBA salary today ($) The average salary three years after graduation in US dollars. The figure is an average of the final salaries from EMBA 2006, EMBA 2005 and EMBA 2004.
- EMBA salary increase (%) The percentage increase in average salary from the beginning of the EMBA to three years after graduation. The figure is a weighted average of the EMBA 2006, EMBA 2005 and EMBA 2004 increases.
- European Masters in Management 2006 The Financial Times 2006 ranking of European business schools’ Masters in Management programmes.
- Masters in Management salary today (€) An average of salaries, three years after graduation, reported by European Masters in Management alumni (in Euros).
- Open programmes – Executive Education 2006 The European schools rank from the Open programmes survey of the Financial Times Executive Education rankings 2006.
- Custom programmes – Executive Education 2006 The European schools rank from the Custom programmes survey of the Financial Times Executive Education rankings 2006
La moyenne de ces données donne donc un classement des 55 “meilleures” Business Schools européennes.
La France fait bonne figure dans ce classement, avec les écoles suivantes:
- HEC Paris (#1)
- ESCP-EAP (#6)
- Insead (#10)
- EM Lyon (#13)
- ESSEC (#14)
- EDHEC (#24)
- Grenoble Graduate School of Business (#29)
- Audencia Nantes (#37)
- ESC Rouen (#39)
- ESC Lille (#45)
- Reims Management School (#50)
- ESC Toulouse (#52)
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